Coronavirus Pandemic Vocabulary
The world is reeling from the coronavirus outbreak and we find newspapers splashed with articles reporting on the pandemic.
It has been a challenging time for us Singaporeans and a devastating time for many others around the world. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to all the families in the world whose lives have been torn asunder by this unwelcome virus.
Is the virus here to stay?
Experts have all agreed that the virus will not be eradicated soon. Even if quarantine efforts were to be coordinated across the globe (something unlikely to happen), it will take a few months for the outbreak to be control.
That\’s why we have to learn how to discuss this issue and acquire vocabulary to do so.
We are sharing our lesson materials with you for free.
As a gesture of solidarity in the fight against this virus, we\’d like to help students all over the world acquire vocabulary to discuss this important health issue. Therefore, we are sharing our materials taken from our online lessons for free. Watch the video below to get started, and then download the following PDFs with fillable forms.
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